When hosting a private event, the safety of your guests should be your number one priority and is critical for a successful event. Professional security guards for private events from an event security company, All Mission Security Inc. can partner with your event organizer to ensure that all potential risks have been addressed with our security services. No matter the size of the event, AMS is the best event security company and has the event security services professionals you need to ensure that your event is safe, successful, and enjoyable.
From a single uniformed guard through complete event security services, event staffing security service, strategic planning, and implementation provide the solution needed to safeguard attendees, other staff, and the location itself—especially important should the event be held at a private property. Our Best Event Security Company in Canoga Park CA include gate attendants, valets, door staff, escorts (should an event move locations, such as nightclub to nightclub), first aid, CCTV surveillance, emergency response, and more.
We pride ourselves on being the best and most cost-efficient private security agency in the Los Angeles area. We make sure that all your security requirements are effectively met with our private security services.
We pursuit safeguarding and protection of assets, valuables , and physical integrity of the members of the educational, industrial, residential, and commercial sectors, through the provision of private security services…
We envision a world in which our clients and their assets are safe and secure. We aim to be the leading provider of private security guardservices in the US, establishing ourselves as the trusted security partner…
Our security guard company is licensed by the state of California with on-field experience and an enviable track record.
Insured and Bonded
All Mission Security’s guard services are fully insured and bonded, so you have that extra layer of cushion against financial damages.
Highly Trained Professionals
Our security guards are highly qualified and trained with state-authorized weapons.
We stay vigilant 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.
About Us
As the best security guard agency of Los Angeles, All Mission Security Inc. founded and established, and ensures that your safety is of the highest priority with our residential and commercial armed / unarmed security guards. Each of our security personnel is a licensed, professional, well-trained with State authorized firearms, and an expert in dissipating tense situations. We are the best choice for your security needs in and around Los Angeles.